
Nov 06 07:00pm - 09:30pm

Film — “Good Enough For Two” with late Grandfather William Commanda

Kitchissippi United Church

We will be viewing a film called “Good Enough for two!” At 90, Algonquin spiritual leader William Commanda, builds another birch bark canoe to teach his technique to Todd Labrador, a Micmac man from Nova Scotia. During the 10 days of canoe making, in his daily life, we discover William’s personality and teachings. WITH THE SIMPLICITY AND HUMILITY OF AN ORDINARY MAN, HE NONETHELESS IS AN EXTRAORDINARY PERSON. Those watching this movie will be able to relate to the deep significance of nature as this man’s vision for his people to once again become the stewards of this most sacred area of the world. It reflects the deep need for us all to care for all of nature. The Peace and wisdom of the indigenous hearts are so much needed to be heard in these time of great change. 

William Commanda and Aboriginal Architect Elder Douglas Cardinal among other elders are the leaders of the inspiring vision for for the sacred waterfalls of Chaudière Falls; a vision of healing, for all peoples, to each other and their relationship to the earth.

This evening has been made possible by Judith Matheson, Dan Mauro, Sylvia Parker, Ottawa Minimalists, and of course all the lovely participants! Romola Trebilcock will also be coming.